How To Connect with Source Energy
Although you may never be able to fully comprehend Source energy (i.e., the power that is greater than the resources of your intellect), you can become increasingly aware of the workings of Source energy in your life, in other people’s lives, and in the world around you…
The more you become “internally resourced” and “live in alignment” (by listening to and following the guidance/ promptings from your soul), the more you’ll actually experience the workings of Source energy in your daily life.
Keep in the forefront that as you develop your awareness, you’ll become increasingly more conscious of the relational dynamic between your human self/mind and your soul.
Your Soul is a term I use to refer to the unique reflection of Source energy (the power that is greater than the resources of your mind that resides within every person and all life forms), it is your spiritual or energetic self at the core of your being. From the perspective of Living in Alignment, your Soul is intended to lead your life not your intellect. Your Soul has a mission and it incarnates to complete that mission. Your Soul continues to exist after your physical body dies.
Your Soul is ingenious and highly creative in how it works with your human self/ mind, as revealed in countless ways. Your human self/ mind will be absolutely amazed at some of the workings of your soul within your life and in the lives of others.
Developing your capacity to be present is key to experiencing the workings of your Soul in your daily life, this is accomplished by having the intention and tuning in to what is happening in your daily life. Let go of the need to do this perfectly, do the best you can and remember that practice makes better!
Becoming and staying present is facilitated and gets easier the more receptive you are to view all the experiences and events in your life ( be it those that happened in the past, those that are happening now, and those that are yet to occur) as having the “inherent potential” of benefiting you.
I say inherent potential because until you embody this proposition your mind’s mental conditioning/defenses are likely to get in the way. This is evidenced when your mind becomes dualistic and places experiences and events into categories such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative, in doing so it will often reject those experiences that it deems to be bad, wrong, or negative. Subsequently, you’ll miss out on experiencing many of the benefits (i.e., the insights, gifts, and lessons) being offered in your daily life.
Also, the less present you are the less likely you are to track the synchronicities that are happening in your life. Synchronicities are the energetic phenomena ( a seeming coincidence) that occur when you’re asking for and aligning with the greatest potential of what wants to happen in any given moment or situation. You can view it as a confirmation that something of importance is occurring. This may take many forms, such as a person coming into your life at a crucial time, a new opportunity, or a solution to a problem. It could also take the form of an insight, an idea, or an a-ha moment.
In addition, the less present you are, the less likely you will be able to tune in to and discern when Source energy is attempting to capture the attention of your mind/ intellect. And, the less present you are, the less likely you’ll be able to hear the guidance and/or promptings that Source energy is continuously offering about all aspects of your life. It is by listening to and following this guidance and/or these promptings that will give your mind the proof it is likely to require before it recognizes and acknowledges that Source energy is more qualified, experienced, and more adept at leading your life than the alternative of having your egoic mind be in the proverbial driver’s seat.
Remember that as you become more internally resourced and live in alignment, you’ll become more aware of how you’re participating in the co-creation of your life, where synchronicity, providence, and destiny play out in astonishing ways.