What is Living in Alignment?
Discover a theoretical and practical framework leading to soul realization, soul actualization, and soul fulfillment.
Connect with your spiritual self.
Your Soul has a mission, and it incarnates to complete that mission. You can come to know what your Soul mission is. Spiritual guidance is continually being offered; you need only to open up and receive it.
Discover your calling in life.
You are intended to contribute to the world in life-affirming ways. Every circumstance, event, and experience has the inherent potential of providing maximum benefit. Your life has meaning and purpose.
Live up to your full potential.
Your Soul is your expert with regard to knowing what is required to experience both personal and Soul fulfillment. It is your inherent right to experience balance and harmony.
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This approach will assist you to develop a personal life philosophy that is life-affirming, empowering, and congruent with universal principles (the laws that govern how Source energy works). In turn, you will be provided with a skill base to effectively tap into and work directly with Source energy.
•LIA is simple in both theory and in practice
•LIA values your humanness and your experiences in a physical body
•LIA is practical, effective, reliable, and verifiable
•LIA assists you to access your truth and discover your path in life
•LIA integrates psychological modalities with various spiritual practices
•LIA works with the effects of unresolved trauma-related issues
•LIA fosters effective communication and teaches life skills
•LIA provides a skill base to identify, address, and manage your stressors
•LIA is customized/individualized to your life experience
•LIA views mental, emotional, and physical conditions as catalysts for your personal growth and transformation
•LIA offers you both short and long term benefits
You will discover:
•Source energy is consciousness itself.
•Source energy creates the matrix of all that is, was, and shall be.
•Source energy is benevolent, intelligent, interactive, creative, unifying, omnipresent, self-organizing, and is in a constant state of evolution.
•You have a choice about the kind of relationship you have with Source energy.
•Your soul is a unique aspect of Source energy within, while other people and life forms represent Source energy manifested around you.
•Your soul has a mission, it incarnates to complete that mission, and you can come to know what your soul mission is.
•Your soul is intended to guide your life.
•Your life has meaning and purpose.
•There are no ‘mistakes,' only loving lessons to be learned.
•To be true and loving with yourself is to be true and loving with the Universe.
•The more your intellect comes into alignment with your soul, the easier it becomes for your intellect to experience the presence of your soul.
•All of life is interconnected and interdependent.
…and this is just the start!
What does it mean to be Externally Resourced versus Internally Resourced?
When you are primarily externally resourced you tend to be overly identified with your humanness and the conditioning of the three-dimensional world. You will also tend to live in a fear and/or shame-based reality focused on survival needs.When you are internally resourced, you learn to attend to your intuition (what feels ‘right’) while listening to and following the guidance and promptings of your spiritual self.
The Living in Alignment approach will assist you to become internally resourced. This is a lifelong practice of deepening your connection with Source energy while becoming increasingly aware of the significance of who you are and the wondrous unfolding of your life.
When you are overly identified with your human self you experience:
•Being externally focused
•Living in a “me” mentality
•Manipulating and/or controlling others
•Jealousy and envy
•Being overly competitive
•Being domineering
•Feeling alone and unconnected
•Doubt and/or confusion
•Feeling unworthy/undeserving
•Hopelessness and/or helplessness
•Skewed thinking
•Being overly dependent, or needless and wantless
•Dysfunctional relationships
•Blame and shame
•Trauma repetition
•Lack of meaning and purpose to your life
•Out-of-control behavior
•Focusing on problems
When you Live in Alignment with your soul, however, you experience:
•Being inwardly focused
• Living in an “us” mentality
•Trusting the process and being receptive to change
•Living your own life & allowing others to do so
•Equality and connectedness
•Inspired living
•Increasing clarity
•Holding yourself accountable and taking responsibility for your life
•Having a sense of meaning and purpose
•A deeper connection with your soul
•Accessing your own wisdom and power
•Being receptive to insights, gifts, and lessons
•Enjoying all stages of your life
•Living in your own truth
•Appreciating your humanity
•Learning from mistakes
•Being empowered
•Focusing on solutions
•Authentic living and the “freedom to be”
…and so much more!