How to Change Your Lifestyle (and Change Your Life)
Living in Alignment (LIA) is much more than a theoretical framework to view life, it is a realistic and achievable way of living your life.
Also, in time it will prove to be a more advantageous and preferable way to live your life.
The LIA concepts are intended to be tested subjectively as a means to verify that Living in Alignment is a practical, effective, and reliable approach to living your life.
From the perspective of Living in Alignment, it is your birthright to have a personal relationship with your spiritual self, to be living in partnership with your spiritual self, and to have your spiritual self lead your life!
Everyone is Living in Alignment to a lesser or greater extent in their daily lives.
Whenever you listen to and follow the guidance and promptings from your intuition (i.e. the voice of your Soul - or your spiritual self) you are Living in Alignment. Listening to and following the guidance & promptings from your spiritual self will always yield favorable results with no exceptions! Likewise, when you tune out and/or don’t follow this guidance you will always regret not doing so. The truth of this assertion will be revealed as you reflect upon your life choices and decisions.
The Living in Alignment body of knowledge has been developed to help you connect with your Soul, to live in partnership with your Soul, and to have a conscious living experience of this vital relationship within your daily life.
The Living in Alignment approach will help you to move out of tribal consciousness (where following a leader is the norm) and experience a direct and personal connection with your Soul (or whatever name you use to refer to your spiritual self or the power that is greater than the resources of your intellect).
The Living in Alignment approach fosters a healthy and sustainable relationship with your Soul (or your spiritual self) as the solution to either depending on religious leaders to administer to your spiritual needs, or disowning your innate spirituality.
Your Soul needs your human self to be its hands and feet in the world, while your human self needs your Soul to gain access to universal wisdom and the ‘bigger picture’ of your life (such as your Soul mission)...