Learn to Practice Trust and Surrender
Being on a path of “spiritual awakening” you already know about the importance and necessity of Trusting and Surrendering as a means to deepen your relationship with your Soul ( a term used to refer to your spiritual self or Source energy within) but, do you find yourself experiencing difficulty integrating these spiritual principles into your daily life?
Do you regularly use the expression “Let your will, not my will be done” to affirm that you want to have your Soul lead your life?
Even with the most sincere invocations/ prayers, you may be unaware that your desire to follow the guidance and promptings of your Soul is often accompanied by one or more contingencies. Which may sound something like “I will follow your guidance and promptings Soul/ Source energy” but don’t ask me to make a geographic move, change careers, leave a relationship, etc. Having contingencies are indicators that your intellect/ egoic-mind is getting in the way and preventing your Soul from leading your life.
One of the reasons for people having contingencies is that they consciously or unconsciously don’t really trust that their Soul always has their best interests in the forefront.
From the perspective of Living in Alignment, Trust equates to yielding to your Soul and Surrender equates to merging with your Soul. When you’re listening to your Soul’s guidance you’re yielding and when you’re following your Soul’s guidance/ promptings you’re merging with your Soul. The experience of Living in Alignment occurs naturally when you are listening to and following the guidance and promptings that Source energy is regularly providing about any and all aspects of your life.
Trusting and Surrendering to Source energy involves training your mind to defer to and rely upon Source energy and allow this vital energy to lead your life.
To “Let go and let God” will necessitate that your mind learn how to Trust & Surrender and quit deferring to and relying upon your mind/intellect and subsequently spending too much time trying to figure out your life.
In your daily life, Trust and Surrender translates to getting and keeping your mind out of the driver’s seat. Instead of trying to control the outcome of what is happening in your life, your task is to accept and be receptive to what is happening (that doesn’t mean you have to like what is happening).
Instead of becoming hyper-vigilant about looking for the answers to your prayers. You go about living your life with the mindset that the answers to your prayers are always forthcoming. Knowing that Source energy is working behind the scenes to orchestrate the best possible outcome with everything that is happening in your life.
Trusting & Surrendering is about handing over the reins to Source energy. The information that your intellect requires to feel assured that all is well and being taken care of shall be revealed on an as needed basis. To reiterate, your task is to stop trying to control outcomes (such as resisting or not accepting what is happening or by being attached to a particular outcome).
Developing the practice of being present in your daily activities will facilitate becoming aware of the workings of Source energy in your life. With increased awareness, your mind will gain the proof it needs to acknowledge that your Soul is more qualified, more skilled, and more experienced at being in the driver’s seat than your human self/egoic mind.
As your awareness of the workings of Source energy expands, your mind will become increasingly assured that Living in Alignment is a practical, effective, reliable, and verifiable alternative to living your life along with being more advantageous and desirable…
Every time you listen to and follow the guidance and promptings from your Soul the results will always be favorable-no exceptions! Test this assertion out for yourself… Your ability to Trust & Surrender will develop naturally the more you listen to and follow the guidance and promptings from your Soul!